Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Thats right folks...I'm just a few short hours away...the vacay has been in effect for a couple days now and its time to turn it up a notch (BAM!) and head down to Vegas. But I couldn't leave town without sending out a word or two to leave you in a plesent mood for the rest of the work week....
Let's start with something I just recently saw regarding Ms. Spears....she's now giving my girl Jessica a run for her money in the "Ditz" catagory...see for yourself (or some of you that actually made up the 12 people who watched "Chaotic" you can move on.)
So let me get something right here....she is mad because she thinks she has missed out on life? Ok, I can sympathize with her...I am sure that the paparazzi are something to be desired...and always paranoid about if people are after your money (not sure how Federline got under her radar) . So I can understand that. But she lost all cred with me when she stated that she thinks there are people around the world today who can move through time.......like Marty McFly. So if this is the case...and if these so called "Time Travellers" are reading this blog....I have a request. Please go back in time and if at all possible...stop the union of Spears and Federline....I dont care how you do it...and I don't want to know...I will leave you to your own devices. There is no way that this untalented slag of flesh should be able to live his current lifestyle while I get to go to work everyday and come up with new ways to kill a person with only a sharpie marker and pad of post-it's. I had more respect for here when I thought she was letting Fred Durst snort coke off her ass. Oh and if at all possible...skip ahead a few days and replace all the crap card's I'm about to get with Ace's and King's....and bless Mommy and Daddy...and....oh wait...sorry..had a 5 year old flashback there....*tear* good times...*sigh* good times.
Another one from the Archives....enjoy
(I have to apologize to all the readers at my work...now with YOUTUBE blocked, make sure you check out the vid's at home.....other than that...I dont care...cuz Im in Vegas)
I was wondering after watching this if these are the "Time Travellers" that Britney was reffering to...Well according to Rick's Commodore 64 computer there, between this year and the year 2016 there must be some devastating event that causes people to mutate...and our only salvation is a former soap opera star and a band of dancing technicians??~!@#!!~? If this is true, I only have one thing to say....
Hello God....I'd like a refund please....
I'll be posting pics to the picture blog site this week, so make sure you check 'em out!...just click on the link on the right....
Don't worry kids, I always got the Nuts....

Let's start with something I just recently saw regarding Ms. Spears....she's now giving my girl Jessica a run for her money in the "Ditz" catagory...see for yourself (or some of you that actually made up the 12 people who watched "Chaotic" you can move on.)
So let me get something right here....she is mad because she thinks she has missed out on life? Ok, I can sympathize with her...I am sure that the paparazzi are something to be desired...and always paranoid about if people are after your money (not sure how Federline got under her radar) . So I can understand that. But she lost all cred with me when she stated that she thinks there are people around the world today who can move through time.......like Marty McFly. So if this is the case...and if these so called "Time Travellers" are reading this blog....I have a request. Please go back in time and if at all possible...stop the union of Spears and Federline....I dont care how you do it...and I don't want to know...I will leave you to your own devices. There is no way that this untalented slag of flesh should be able to live his current lifestyle while I get to go to work everyday and come up with new ways to kill a person with only a sharpie marker and pad of post-it's. I had more respect for here when I thought she was letting Fred Durst snort coke off her ass. Oh and if at all possible...skip ahead a few days and replace all the crap card's I'm about to get with Ace's and King's....and bless Mommy and Daddy...and....oh wait...sorry..had a 5 year old flashback there....*tear* good times...*sigh* good times.
Another one from the Archives....enjoy
(I have to apologize to all the readers at my work...now with YOUTUBE blocked, make sure you check out the vid's at home.....other than that...I dont care...cuz Im in Vegas)
I was wondering after watching this if these are the "Time Travellers" that Britney was reffering to...Well according to Rick's Commodore 64 computer there, between this year and the year 2016 there must be some devastating event that causes people to mutate...and our only salvation is a former soap opera star and a band of dancing technicians??~!@#!!~? If this is true, I only have one thing to say....
Hello God....I'd like a refund please....
I'll be posting pics to the picture blog site this week, so make sure you check 'em out!...just click on the link on the right....
Don't worry kids, I always got the Nuts....