Monday, May 21, 2007
Ok....I admit it....I like chick music....fuckin sue me. At least that is what I have been accused of in the past. To be honest, any of you that actually know me personally know that I have quite a broad range of musical tastes....and....follow along with me for a moment......If I like some dancey, swishy, kinda poppy-type music that women listen to...even better, BECAUSE THE WOMEN WHO LIKE THE MUSIC ARE ACTUALLY ATTRACTIVE!!! ...and the music ain't all that bad. Besides, not too sure I am into the kind of chicks that would go to a Black Label Society show anyway...they might try and pierce my Stugots when I'm not paying attention.
So I am moving in the next two weeks. Out of the Casa el Charleston and into the Casa de least temporally. I am still slackin ass on finding some discernible form of employment to toil away at until I hit the Mega Millions or con the company into a big insurance settlement on my "trick" pancreas. For those that don't know....previous blogged corporate employer made yet another genius move and decided to outsource my job to the land of curry and sacred cows where you now can be helped by someone named "Paul" yet his name is spelled Pigurharsermangry and he has the lyrical aptitude of a retarded 4th grader chewing on marbles. And don't get me wrong, I love retarded 4th graders, just not when they take my fucking job.

Ahhh...its for the best....I guess....time to decompress...get my center back....find something that will challenge me and possibly be a better environment. I appreciate my buddy Sean for allowing me to invade his domicile for the time being, although I am sure I can't have those late night Pudding and Porn wrestling date's with "Lexus" from the Deja Vu downtown.
Although.....Butterscotch does match his carpets.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
Don't worry everyone.....she pays me.....Remember...I'm the one who's unemployed!

So I am moving in the next two weeks. Out of the Casa el Charleston and into the Casa de least temporally. I am still slackin ass on finding some discernible form of employment to toil away at until I hit the Mega Millions or con the company into a big insurance settlement on my "trick" pancreas. For those that don't know....previous blogged corporate employer made yet another genius move and decided to outsource my job to the land of curry and sacred cows where you now can be helped by someone named "Paul" yet his name is spelled Pigurharsermangry and he has the lyrical aptitude of a retarded 4th grader chewing on marbles. And don't get me wrong, I love retarded 4th graders, just not when they take my fucking job.

Ahhh...its for the best....I guess....time to decompress...get my center back....find something that will challenge me and possibly be a better environment. I appreciate my buddy Sean for allowing me to invade his domicile for the time being, although I am sure I can't have those late night Pudding and Porn wrestling date's with "Lexus" from the Deja Vu downtown.
Although.....Butterscotch does match his carpets.....hmmmmmmmmmmm
Don't worry everyone.....she pays me.....Remember...I'm the one who's unemployed!

Labels: India, Music, Outsourcing