Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Gett Off!!!!.....23 Positions in a One Nite Stand
So Whas sappinin Hot Stuff????
It has been a while since I have chimed in with my witty reporte`
I have been suffocated by the corporate monkey as of late and havent been able to fully direct my work hours into blogging...what bastards! havent missed little ole me...have ya???
So I have finally set my Christmas plans...I get to take off to Fairbanks, Alaska for a week. A place where the term "Freezing my Nuts" off has a literal meaning. But I must say there is nothing like rocketing at 106 MPH across a frozen lake on a snow moblie...whew! whata rush...maybe I'll luck out and find a sexy eskimo in a fur bikini....we can go back and melt her igloo....
I guess I am jumping ahead...tomarrow is Thanksgiving....Food, Football, Friends...and of course...drunken kareoke....
Drunken Kareoke...sound kinda like a form of Kung Fu!
(In my best broken asian voice)"Your Corporate Monkey style is no match for my Drunken Kareoke!"
Things I have found funny:

You Sexy MuthaFucka!
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Break on the Other Side...
Ever had one of those days where everyone who comes to your office sounds like Charlie Brown's Teacher? Maybe I am just having one of those Morrison-esque Payote moments (or would that be Val Kilmer-esque...that some how loses the coolness factor)
Recap of Halloween escapades:
Seattle sounded boring so we (me and my ever-so humorous companions J and K) decided to hit the PDX....for the uninitiated thats Northwest speak for Portland...We hooked up with a party some friends of mine were having...a themed "Halloween-Vegas Style" where after pain stakingly scouring King County for appropriate attire....we get to the party and no one is really in said "Vegas Style" least until you said something like..."What are you...Oh...I'm a Vegas-Style tennis player...."
And you ask what D'Mack decided to wear???
I started out wanting to be Hugh "The MAN" Hefner....but since every set of silk PJs I found seemed to cost as much as a new Lexus...I decided on something a little off the wall...I found a smallish slot machine and hung it around my head....easy enough for a Vegas party I thought. I had a shirt made and on the back was "DIRTY VEGAS SLUT MACHINE" when I wear it I'll just say its the name of my band.
The crowd was ok..nothing to write home when the party lagged...we all decided to hit some clubs in downtown...
First stop...V2O or H2O or some other chemical formula these people are pretty 12:45 these tards were still trying to make us stand in some Studio 54 formation behind a rope...and then try to pimp 15 bucks out of the Daddy to get in...they got the double finger salute and were off to XV....a trendy lounge setting club...very style..we found a section of leather couches and a go-go box that my drunk azz decided to do my best hip thrusts on...screw it..Im in another one knows me. After a couple Jaegers and a visit from Captain Morgan...we head next door to a you thought I was pissed about the 15 bucks at H2O...well at 1:15..this place was still chargin 10 BUCKS a pop..can I get a JESUS CHRIST! in da house....but friends wanted to go I ponied up the dough for the cover...( owe me drinks this Saturday) at least they used the Fall Back clock method to the fullest potential and we were dancing till almost 3 (mmmm sweet as Buttascotch puddin)all in all..a fun night.
So do I put my 2 cents in about Bush winning....
I must say on Tuesday while filling out my civic duty form for the election, I felt a little Deja it was 2000 or something and I was trying at the last minute to decide on who to vote for...Bush or Gore...Since this time I at least liked some of the points Kerry was making and knowledge of the crap Bush has done..I leaned toward the Dems this time. Bush I want him to at least show some sort of connection with both sides of the field..stretch a hand out and bring more Democrats to your cabinent positions. Then I least we are in America...and thats good.
Wooo Ha!