Friday, July 23, 2004

Round 2

Welcome to WORK!

The first stroke of the day comes from a co-worker that asks for my help, which I give with a pasted smile on my face, then turns right around and asks the same question to my boss.....

WAIT A MINUTE~!  Why do people ask for your help and then not trust the solution you give them??!?!!!

I know...I know...this one isnt me....Its the retard (not PC, but neither am I) that asked for help in the first place.  I'll chill....

Just had to throw that one out there....more coming later....

Here's a question I would like some opinions on....

Is it me...or are the winners of American Idol not very entertaining?  I have yet to see one reach the so called ICONIC status that they are striving for....I didnt see Britany or Jessica roll out of one of these competitions.  I almost feel like its a real stigma on their career.  So in turn does that mean Randy, Paula, and Simon are not very good judges of talent....sure they can weed out the hacks...but thats all Ive seen.  Show me the next Prince to walk out of AI and I retort my opinion.  Cant wait for I Love the 00 in VH1 in 6 years so we can look back and laugh at American Idol.


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