Friday, August 06, 2004

5:00 PM cant get here any quicker....

Tick Tock Tick Tock...Although I dont have a mechanical clock at my mind still makes that sound. I feel like Fred Flinstone waiting for that damn bird to yell so I can bust outta here and get my swerve on....


I..being the social butterfly I is (sarcasm), feel the need to stretch my wings tonight...what to do, what to do...
Hmmm ingredients for a successful Friday Night:
1 part Me
1 part Random Chick (2 can be used for that extra Kick)
2 parts Alcohol
1 part atmosphere
1 part charm (Provided by me)

Stir together slowly and pour into the hot tub.
Garnish with a couple of bottles of Champagne

Ahhhhhh....making my mouth water already....

Dammit....its only 2:02pm. needs to be done. Swerve waits till later....

Political view of the Day: The Democrats are in full force in my neighborhood... twice in the last month I have had one of these Mickey Mouse Cadettes come knocking at my door. (Please keep in mind...I dislike both parties equally) So I get this knock..if that what you want to call it..sounded more like a Snoop Dogg beat then a knock..and what do I get at the door...a cloud of Patchuli and some hippie clone Birkenstocked chick asking me to help kick the reigning Czar out on his ass.

One....unless you are one of my "Hommies" don't ever knock on my door like that again....two...(this one works like a charm) ahhhh sorry...Funny thing, I actually work for the Republican Party here in FUCK OFF!

So why does this irk me so...Well...I hate it when someone tries to recruit me on my door step. Like I needed to be pitched on what they can offer but never deliver. I can honestly tell you...I am in the same boat as I was when Clinton was in office....Working every day and considering a life in the Porn Business (guys gotta dream ya know).

That patchuli stink didn't help her cause either....Now I have this subconscious connection with Patchuli and Democrats.....yuck.

Its Martini Time
Daddy Mack

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