Friday, August 13, 2004

Can I get a Fuck You....

Bounce wit me...Bounce wit me...can ya can ya can ya...Bounce wit me..Bounce wit me...
Uhh uhh

Jay - Z....a true poet.

Its Friday night....and I need a Mortercycle and a Switchblade knife....Girls, Girls, Girls....At my house in West Seattle!
(Thats how I would sing Motley Crue in Kareoke)

Ok....enough of the Jackassery...Im sure you wanna know whats on my mind....

Questions to be answered:

1. What to do on Labor Day Weekend (ehhh hem...You know who you are)

2. How did a coffee table materialize in my living room overnight (Note to self...interrogate Roommate)

3. Figure out how many drinks it takes before I start "grabbin ass" (that one should be fun)

These questions and more will be answered on our next episode of "Soap"
(Jezzey Creezzy...I sure am dating myself with that reference)

English Premiership Football starts this weekend....Arsenal FC

Go Gunners!

Rant of the day: "If not Bush or Kerry, vote Barbie....Mattel launches 'presidential campaign' of flagship doll" This is an actual headline from CNN/ were going to trade in a couple of plastic dummies for Barbie??? Not so fast...the article goes on to read:"The event comes months after Mattel announced a "break-up" of longtime doll couple Barbie and Ken."....hmmm what sparked this break-up?? Could it be that wild weekend Ken spent in Malibu with Skipper?? Or are all those Barbie-GI Joe rumors true??? Could this be the next White House Scandal...???? least she can't lie to us about the Weapons of Mass Distruction in Iraq....She can't even least not with out me dropping alot of Acid before hand. (That was a scary night...)

I'll close today with a quote that I live everyday by:
"I dont want to love you down....I want to Sex you UP!"
Color Me Badd

Daddy Mack...Fer Shizzel

So, that’s the blog I inspired? I was a little “paranoid” it would be about something else, if you know what I mean. I know who I am…no cigar. We need a plan B!! As a side note, it’s a little past one on Friday afternoon, and I could really use a drink - so, heads-up! But, I will, in no part, partake in your “grabbin ass” experiment.
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