Wednesday, September 14, 2005
This Blog is Bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S
And so is my job!
Christ! Yet another "Re-organization" of my department is really driving me Nuckin Futz. I'm not sure if any of you that actually read this are out in the corporate world and have had to deal with this, but in 4 years, my department has been "Re-orged" 6 times! I should just go back to work in the strip least there when something goes "Tits-Up" its a good thing.
Here's some more schtuff..

In the corporate world, this is called a "Team Building Exercise"
From 7 floors up, we call this a "Circle of Idiots"

This could be my next shopping purchase....along with a gold chain I can tow a truck with and some Adidas without laces...I might even yell "YEAAAAHHH BOYEEEE" at inappropriate times.
So I have been dieting this week...I know..I know..hard to believe with the waifish figure I currently have. But it looks like I'm going to "Do the Puyallup" this weekend, which I think is Indian for "Has Sex with Funnel Cake". For those not aware of what I am talking about, its the yearly state fair here in Western Washington. You go, you do some rides, you play Russian Roulette with the food vendors hoping to hit the one that wont give you Hepatitis, the usual.
So kids, remember what MR T. sez...."If you believe in yourself, eat all your school, stay on milk, drink your teeth, don't do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs, you can get WORK!"

Christ! Yet another "Re-organization" of my department is really driving me Nuckin Futz. I'm not sure if any of you that actually read this are out in the corporate world and have had to deal with this, but in 4 years, my department has been "Re-orged" 6 times! I should just go back to work in the strip least there when something goes "Tits-Up" its a good thing.
Here's some more schtuff..

In the corporate world, this is called a "Team Building Exercise"
From 7 floors up, we call this a "Circle of Idiots"

This could be my next shopping purchase....along with a gold chain I can tow a truck with and some Adidas without laces...I might even yell "YEAAAAHHH BOYEEEE" at inappropriate times.
So I have been dieting this week...I know..I know..hard to believe with the waifish figure I currently have. But it looks like I'm going to "Do the Puyallup" this weekend, which I think is Indian for "Has Sex with Funnel Cake". For those not aware of what I am talking about, its the yearly state fair here in Western Washington. You go, you do some rides, you play Russian Roulette with the food vendors hoping to hit the one that wont give you Hepatitis, the usual.
So kids, remember what MR T. sez...."If you believe in yourself, eat all your school, stay on milk, drink your teeth, don't do sleep, and get your eight hours of drugs, you can get WORK!"
