Monday, November 07, 2005

Viewer Mail


Wake Up y'all! I know its Monday..I know your still wishing you could be back in your My Little Pony jammies or Spiderman Underoos sleeping the day away...but your not..Your at work and you have to be responsible because how else are you going to be able to afford that bar tab you just charged on Friday night because your checking account is lower than your high school GPA.

So its new week...a short week for some that get Friday off Vet's Day( Daddy). What is also good is that my "project" here at work is finally closing. Projects are funny things...basically, they come around because of two reasons.

1. Your company has been screwing up on something big for a long time, and its time for you to clean it up.

2. Your boss no longer wants to work on this "thing"...its sometimes called delegation.

Either one normaly will either help or hinder the amount of money you will make in the future for social activities. So if you want to continue to shoot the same amount of Jaeger that could sterilize a goat every better do damn good job.

So I actually had a good response from my last posting regarding the Dating World...and someone actually wanted my opinion on their situation. So from the viewer mail bag we have the following response.....and they write...

Dear Dirty~Kash,

I found your blog entry most insightful and enjoyable..and I have to say I do agree on all points..especially the "Seattle women are a tough crack" part, myself being one of those said "tough cracks" and it has made me re-evaluate how I react when I am approached by men. I am 26 and have lived in Seattle for most of my adult life. I date regularly, but not as often as I would like and usually those dates come through other friends or by way of your already pointed out "Group Date" events. There is a guy in this group who I like, he is single and seems to respond in conversation when I talk about how attractive I think he is. But I think he is very naive with dating women or picking up on signals that he doesn't even see me. How can I get his attention?? I want him to ask me out!! Help!

Bellevue, Wa

Dear Sabrina,

First of all, let me thank you for actually reading my blog..I was starting to think I was just throwing messages in bottles out on the proverbial internet sea. So in regards to your question of how you can get his attention, First you have to realize something you might not know about men....We are dumb. Unless you have a search light and your wearing a sign that says "Hey!..I want you" we are just going to think you like playing with your hair because you really like your hair. Don't give up though. I give you credit for actually taking some intitiative with someone your interested in. Most women would move on just because it seems the guy isnt giving her the attention she expects. And that adds to the whole "coldness" factor that I think alot of women are bearing these days. Warm up a little ladies..and don't be so coy about what you really want. Most men would love a woman to tell us what they are thinking or want (I don't even want to count how many times I had the "Where do you want to eat" verbal dance). Don't get me wrong, I am all about chivalry..I think it is a lost art form among men. A man should open the door for a lady..he should give her his jacket in the cold..he should send her flowers just because. But that doesn't mean that he should always intitate the first contact/date. I remember in Junior High, the first crush and girlfriend I had..I didn't see her from across the gym..or because she was a cheerleader. Her locker was close to mine..and when I had my back to her talking to some friends, her girlfriends pushed her into my back so I would turn around. Come to find out she had liked me for a few months, but everytime I would be at my locker and she would be smiling and trying to talk, I wouldn't catch on. It took that little, playful push to get the spark to light. Sometimes, we just need that push to get our minds going in the direction that could lead to a very interesting dating situation. So to answer your question, how do I get his attention...I have two suggestions...1. A lapdance and a bottle of Goldschlager...or 2. You suggest an activity that you know you both have in common. Looks like a date, sounds like a date..but without that "date" label or the "date" pressure. I personally prefer number one, but suggest number 2.

Let me know how it works out for you.


Well now...that just about wraps up LoveLine for this evening...

I am not even sure I am qualified to be handing out advice...

This just in...two Carolina Panthers Cheerleaders are arrested for starting a fight in the women's room of a Tampa night club. Apparently, they were having sex in a stall with each other and that didn't sit right with the patrons who actually had to use the facilities. Mug shots below...

Obviously they were just trying to prove that Cheerleading is a "Full Contact Sport" (queue rimshot)



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