Monday, December 19, 2005
I love it when a plan comes together....
So its not a big secret...especially to those ones closest to me...and sometimes to the ones on the other side of the room too...that I luv the ladies...go figure.
So its no suprise that I was just giddy as a sorority girl with a bottle of Jaeger and compromised moral values to hear that my object of fantasy affection filed for divorce on Friday from the demon seed leech that is former boy band reject Nick Lachey. I even have the documentation to prove it....(click the image for the full document...AFTER YOU READ THE REST OF THE BLOG OF COURSE! GOSH!)

So now she can move on to someone with better social graces and that will do nice things for teaching her to read. (Sorry..that was offsides wasn't she's gonna go to bed and cry herself to sleep on her HUGE pilla)
I have noticed lately that I have developed this real personal bubble issue...close friends and strippers excluded, of course. But it was quite evident this past weekend while Chrismaunukka shopping. Just rude-ass tards always grazing me and not even giving me any kinda reach-around or sorry. Its just so damn annoying. And why is it when I am standing in line for something that all the human traffic wants to walk directly through the line where I am standing, like I'm some human turnstile. I started to entertain myself by trying to trip them. To make myself feel better, Tupelo and I decided to support the Native American community by visiting the casino located next to the mall. What a dangerous combination, outlet mall shopping and gambling in stumbling distance from each other, genius! We need to gather up some of these people that come up with idea's like this, I bet they can solve many problems we have as a society today if they were just focused on something else. So lets see..who would be on my list:
1. Ok, we got the Casino/Outlet Mall guy (Yes, I know an idea from Vegas in Washington, but go with me on this)
2. The Girls Gone Wild creator. ( or as I like to call it.."Look Where I Can Put A Foreign Object")
3. The guy who came up with the Swiffer Wet Jet, who knew elephant maxi-pads had more than one function.
4. The inventor of the paper towel roll/fabric softener sheet weed smoke filter...helping teenagers around the world to not get "busted" for stealing their Dad's stash.
5. The pro sports team accountant that realized if you have a captive audience, they will pay the same price as a six-pack of beer for one bottle. ( I don't really admire this dick...I just understand his motive.)
I would love to hear if you have anyone you could add to the list. I'll dedicate my non-Jessica Simpson-Stalking time to coming up with more to share.
If I don't see everyone before Chrismaunukka (yes..its my word, just like Jackassery), then have a Happy Holiday and I'll see ya during my drunken stupor at New Years!
So its no suprise that I was just giddy as a sorority girl with a bottle of Jaeger and compromised moral values to hear that my object of fantasy affection filed for divorce on Friday from the demon seed leech that is former boy band reject Nick Lachey. I even have the documentation to prove it....(click the image for the full document...AFTER YOU READ THE REST OF THE BLOG OF COURSE! GOSH!)

So now she can move on to someone with better social graces and that will do nice things for teaching her to read. (Sorry..that was offsides wasn't she's gonna go to bed and cry herself to sleep on her HUGE pilla)
I have noticed lately that I have developed this real personal bubble issue...close friends and strippers excluded, of course. But it was quite evident this past weekend while Chrismaunukka shopping. Just rude-ass tards always grazing me and not even giving me any kinda reach-around or sorry. Its just so damn annoying. And why is it when I am standing in line for something that all the human traffic wants to walk directly through the line where I am standing, like I'm some human turnstile. I started to entertain myself by trying to trip them. To make myself feel better, Tupelo and I decided to support the Native American community by visiting the casino located next to the mall. What a dangerous combination, outlet mall shopping and gambling in stumbling distance from each other, genius! We need to gather up some of these people that come up with idea's like this, I bet they can solve many problems we have as a society today if they were just focused on something else. So lets see..who would be on my list:
1. Ok, we got the Casino/Outlet Mall guy (Yes, I know an idea from Vegas in Washington, but go with me on this)
2. The Girls Gone Wild creator. ( or as I like to call it.."Look Where I Can Put A Foreign Object")
3. The guy who came up with the Swiffer Wet Jet, who knew elephant maxi-pads had more than one function.
4. The inventor of the paper towel roll/fabric softener sheet weed smoke filter...helping teenagers around the world to not get "busted" for stealing their Dad's stash.
5. The pro sports team accountant that realized if you have a captive audience, they will pay the same price as a six-pack of beer for one bottle. ( I don't really admire this dick...I just understand his motive.)
I would love to hear if you have anyone you could add to the list. I'll dedicate my non-Jessica Simpson-Stalking time to coming up with more to share.
If I don't see everyone before Chrismaunukka (yes..its my word, just like Jackassery), then have a Happy Holiday and I'll see ya during my drunken stupor at New Years!