Monday, December 05, 2005
On the First Day of X-mas some people are afraid of spiders....some afraid of snakes...
Me...well, I am afraid of these friggin things...

Not in a "terrified - run for your life - cry on Oprah" type of way...
But more in the frame of a scary movie - bad dreams thing. If any of you out there have seen the movie "It" and now think Clowns are creepy and evil, then you know where I am coming from.
And besides...they call these things "NUTCRACKERS" for jeezy creezy sakes! That term alone makes me want to wear a cup around all day during the holiday season.
So as I am heading to the UW vs. Gonzaga basketball game last the parking lot we ran into a group of "dudes" (ex. see Idiots) who were screaming at the top of their lungs..HUSKY BASKETBALL...WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now, I bring this situation up for the following reason...
Scene: UW campus parking lot
Time: Pre-Game
Dude #2: HA HA HE HE HA HA...
Dude #1: Oh Shit I am drunk....
Dirty~Kash (in a lower conversational voice): Hey, watch out..that dude is pissing between those cars..don't step in anything.
DK friend: Yeah, I saw that...
Dude#1 to DK: Hey....haha ha....oh shit...ha ha....hey man, my friend is pissing over wanna watch....
Dirty~Kash: No thanks....I'm trying to quit.
End Scene
Sigh......Idiots.....There's our future President folks....
And from the files of "What the Fuck were they thinking"....
It was brought to my attention recently that there are some men out there that are comfortable with beginning a conversation with "So ladies, whats your stance on Anal Sex". Not sure about you, but unless that is listed in the "Skills and Experience" section of the woman's resume, she might be a little uncomfortable with the topic right out of the gate. And if she is comfortable, then there are directors in the San Fernando valley that are looking for talent. Also, asking a woman to dance with you cuz you wanna "smack that ass" might not be the best approach. The Art of Ass Smacking is best performed in a private setting , not in a public enviornment to be viewed by a panel of Olympic judges. (Look, the French judge gave him a 9.59 for technique). All this was tolerable to hear until I found out that the "Playas" in question were 36 years old.
Then I finally understood the justified usage of the above Nutcracker.
May God have mercy on their souls.
Rang Dang Diggity Dang Di Dang....