Tuesday, January 03, 2006
2006...Year of the Gorney
Thats right biznatches! All aboard...the G - Train is about to leave the station, and this is one party do not want to miss.
X-Maunukka and New Jeers are behind us and its time to plow through the mundane and head into the wild. But first, a look back at My Holidays...
Christmas was spent with plenty of cheer...Up in the great white of Alaska visiting family. Where its so cold out, that you actually say "Fuck" out loud when you dont have the proper coat on, well, at least for a foul mouthed city boy like myself. (I learned it all from my Mother)

Thats right...its a balmy -8 degrees outside, and this is at Noon.

Heres something you would never say outloud in Seattle...."I was going to put fence up between those poles, but the damn Moose keep tearing it down." Well, you might hear that if "Moose" is your dim-witted Frat buddy with a drunked fence destroying habit.

Due to a severe Hot-Buttered Rum binge..Blitzen didn't make it out before the snow hit.
Ok.....Moving on.....
New Years 2006!
What a blast it was...It was sooooo much fun...I think next year I will just sharpen a pencil and shove it into my eye. That way when Halloween comes around, I will be all ready with my jaunty pirate eye patch.
Oh there were good intentions, don't get me wrong.
It started out at the Heaven and Hell Ball, which sounded good, but after about an hour and a half, it was more of a dull and duller ball. Not really my style or that of my compadre that was with me. For future reference, this is a very fringe event that I am sure is just a hoot for those in that scene. Pluses...Free Jello shots...that offset the 7 bucks I had to pay for a Capt n Coke.
Time 11:35...25 min before Midnight.
Were off to the W Hotel to try and squezze into the party going on there. Unfortunately, there was no room at the inn and we were standing outside when the clock struck 12. Oh well..Its a New Year..lets move on. We finally were able to talk our way in at about 12:05 and mingled for about an hour.
1:05 AM. Heading back to my car.
Unfortunately, what happens to men when they are left alone to drink in groups of 5 or more is not a pretty sight. They tend to be more agressive and reason just seems to go out the window, along with tact and self responsibility. My friend and I were involve in a small altercation (not of our doing) with said group of gentlemen....wait...let me rephrase that...said group of douchebags. While Tup squabbled with one on the ground, I was left to fend off the other idiots who actully must think that television wrestling is real. Fortunate for them, the police came. 5 cars, a new personal best. Next time I am hoping the Governer will have to call out the National Guard like in the movies. No real injuries, just some scrapes and bruises for our part.
Then to finish out the weekend I had a low key Sunday night with good friends at a West Seattle watering hole. Which above all, was the best day of the my whole weekend because I didn't get to spend New Years with all of us as a group like I wished we could have. Ho well...theres always next year and pleanty of time to plan something.....RIGHT??!??!@? hmmm hmmm?
Suprisingly, more jello shots appeared that night. Which is totally random, because I think its been a good 2 years since I had my last jello shot and in two days I did about 10.
Crap...that means I won't have any now till like 2018. *sigh*
X-Maunukka and New Jeers are behind us and its time to plow through the mundane and head into the wild. But first, a look back at My Holidays...
Christmas was spent with plenty of cheer...Up in the great white of Alaska visiting family. Where its so cold out, that you actually say "Fuck" out loud when you dont have the proper coat on, well, at least for a foul mouthed city boy like myself. (I learned it all from my Mother)

Thats right...its a balmy -8 degrees outside, and this is at Noon.

Heres something you would never say outloud in Seattle...."I was going to put fence up between those poles, but the damn Moose keep tearing it down." Well, you might hear that if "Moose" is your dim-witted Frat buddy with a drunked fence destroying habit.

Due to a severe Hot-Buttered Rum binge..Blitzen didn't make it out before the snow hit.
Ok.....Moving on.....
New Years 2006!
What a blast it was...It was sooooo much fun...I think next year I will just sharpen a pencil and shove it into my eye. That way when Halloween comes around, I will be all ready with my jaunty pirate eye patch.
Oh there were good intentions, don't get me wrong.
It started out at the Heaven and Hell Ball, which sounded good, but after about an hour and a half, it was more of a dull and duller ball. Not really my style or that of my compadre that was with me. For future reference, this is a very fringe event that I am sure is just a hoot for those in that scene. Pluses...Free Jello shots...that offset the 7 bucks I had to pay for a Capt n Coke.
Time 11:35...25 min before Midnight.
Were off to the W Hotel to try and squezze into the party going on there. Unfortunately, there was no room at the inn and we were standing outside when the clock struck 12. Oh well..Its a New Year..lets move on. We finally were able to talk our way in at about 12:05 and mingled for about an hour.
1:05 AM. Heading back to my car.
Unfortunately, what happens to men when they are left alone to drink in groups of 5 or more is not a pretty sight. They tend to be more agressive and reason just seems to go out the window, along with tact and self responsibility. My friend and I were involve in a small altercation (not of our doing) with said group of gentlemen....wait...let me rephrase that...said group of douchebags. While Tup squabbled with one on the ground, I was left to fend off the other idiots who actully must think that television wrestling is real. Fortunate for them, the police came. 5 cars, a new personal best. Next time I am hoping the Governer will have to call out the National Guard like in the movies. No real injuries, just some scrapes and bruises for our part.
Then to finish out the weekend I had a low key Sunday night with good friends at a West Seattle watering hole. Which above all, was the best day of the my whole weekend because I didn't get to spend New Years with all of us as a group like I wished we could have. Ho well...theres always next year and pleanty of time to plan something.....RIGHT??!??!@? hmmm hmmm?
Suprisingly, more jello shots appeared that night. Which is totally random, because I think its been a good 2 years since I had my last jello shot and in two days I did about 10.
Crap...that means I won't have any now till like 2018. *sigh*