Monday, March 27, 2006
Random Thoughts...
Its Official!!!....The Soprano's is soooooo dope! Uhhhhggg...I can't believe this is the last season.
Now I know all you O.C. drone's out there are going to claim that the little California show has its redeeming qualities of greatness...but until your boy Ryan hauls off and "whacks" Seth because he "Talked Too Much" I might have to pass....
Well, Spring is here and today it actually looks like it. I kind of understand the meaning of Spring this time around. All of the new beginnings and shedding off of the winter blah's, its actually quite refreshing. It's almost a sense of clarity about what has happened in your life recently and your desire to turn it all around.
Its time to start getting amped up for Vegas in a couple weeks....
Yards of green felt and leather padding....the Nintendo like pings of the slot machines....the 38 Captain and Cokes it takes me to start feeling a buzz in the casino...ahhhhh..theres nothing like it. I guess I should start getting my back story together for while I am there.....I think I might go with the Waste Management Rep from New Jersey...Joey Baritone...and these are my "associate's".... just kidding....the frat boys I'll be with couldn't pull off Jersey Italian if they took a shower in minced garlic and tied Frank Sinatra to their backs. Thats ok, I'll have plenty of other sinful attractions to keep my mind busy.

ahhhhhh.....its like....its like....home...(tear).
I think I am naming this entry "The Random Thoughts Blog" cuz here's whats going through my mind currently (scared..aren't ya)
- Work SUCKS (duh...given)
- I need dishwasher detergent.
- I hope that Afgan guy that converted to Christianity gets out of the country before the Islamic Fundementalists get him. (Stupid situation, Religious Intolerance. Grow the FUCK UP world!)
- Call Mom
- Syriana tonight?
- Mexico would be nice this year to visit.
- "Used to get high just to pass the time....Music and Wine were the only friends of mine..." (song verse)
- "I would love to uppercut a punkass..and send him flying into a table with a cake or bowl of punch...this could happen at a event" - Dane Cook
- I dont get to the ocean enough anymore.
- Haircut
- I'm Outta here....
Dirty K
Now I know all you O.C. drone's out there are going to claim that the little California show has its redeeming qualities of greatness...but until your boy Ryan hauls off and "whacks" Seth because he "Talked Too Much" I might have to pass....
Well, Spring is here and today it actually looks like it. I kind of understand the meaning of Spring this time around. All of the new beginnings and shedding off of the winter blah's, its actually quite refreshing. It's almost a sense of clarity about what has happened in your life recently and your desire to turn it all around.
Its time to start getting amped up for Vegas in a couple weeks....
Yards of green felt and leather padding....the Nintendo like pings of the slot machines....the 38 Captain and Cokes it takes me to start feeling a buzz in the casino...ahhhhh..theres nothing like it. I guess I should start getting my back story together for while I am there.....I think I might go with the Waste Management Rep from New Jersey...Joey Baritone...and these are my "associate's".... just kidding....the frat boys I'll be with couldn't pull off Jersey Italian if they took a shower in minced garlic and tied Frank Sinatra to their backs. Thats ok, I'll have plenty of other sinful attractions to keep my mind busy.

ahhhhhh.....its like....its like....home...(tear).
I think I am naming this entry "The Random Thoughts Blog" cuz here's whats going through my mind currently (scared..aren't ya)
- Work SUCKS (duh...given)
- I need dishwasher detergent.
- I hope that Afgan guy that converted to Christianity gets out of the country before the Islamic Fundementalists get him. (Stupid situation, Religious Intolerance. Grow the FUCK UP world!)
- Call Mom
- Syriana tonight?
- Mexico would be nice this year to visit.
- "Used to get high just to pass the time....Music and Wine were the only friends of mine..." (song verse)
- "I would love to uppercut a punkass..and send him flying into a table with a cake or bowl of punch...this could happen at a event" - Dane Cook
- I dont get to the ocean enough anymore.
- Haircut
- I'm Outta here....
Dirty K