Wednesday, March 01, 2006
St Ides of March
Hola Mi Amigo's!
Whats with all this 'tude folks...just because I have been busy with the daily chores of keeping Dirty~Kash Inc. up and running doesn't mean I have forgotten about my favorite people out there..thats right...The Amish....lets talk about them....
Just kidding...jeeeeeze...don't be so sensitive...y'all know I love ya.
So here is something funny...during my last Portland excursion..we stopped off at Albertson's for some tasty beverages and this is what I found in the cooler

A little blast from the past...a Beer named after the Washington State capitol, but is one of the most difficult to find in the friggin state...and its tag line "It's the Water" must mean Milwaukee area water because since 1983 this stuff has been owned by know the brewers of those high end brands of Colt 45 and St Ides. MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMM BITCH!!!!!
So I am a bit anxious is the due date for my brother and sister-in-law. Yeah Yeah...another one of my bloodline to infect the planet with wit, charm, and a penchant for the Schlager of Gold. And with Uncle J around to learn least you know their going to learn from the best.
Think of all the useful things I get to teach them....
The Courtesy Flush......
The appropriate usages of the term "Beeyatch"......
How to hide alcoholic beverages properly while getting into events or movie theaters.....
How its ok to cheer for another sports long as that team starts with the name SEATTLE....
What Mother's dont know...they will find out by looking through your shit when your at school....
When a priest wants to "Lay his hands" on you to pray...use the stun gun like I showed you.....
Now of course, I am assuming that they are having a boy (suprisingly, they chose not to find out) if its a girl...I have this advice...
Always be an angel, listen to your parents, and don't trust boys...we just want to steal your cookies.
Unkle DK