Monday, July 31, 2006
Like sand through the hour glass....
I am currently faced with what would seem the longest unit of time know to man....that is next to being forced to watch the movie "Pootie Tang". What I am referring to is this work week...the one before my vacation starts. As I sit here and languish beind the keyboard...slaving away under these opressive conditions...all I dream about is cocktails and green felt...turning over pocket aces on pocket kings...the yell of the Croupier shouting "Yo, Eleven". Frank, Sammy and Dino at the Sands....ahhhh...yes Las Vegas. I wish I could bring each and every one of you. (Que the "awwwwwww's)
So to make it through this week is like watching Paris Hilton trying to solve a multiplication problem...(I should really stop using her...but she's such an easy target) I need to distract myself with other topics and activities.
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (Reuters) - Police have arrested a man on suspicionNow don't you think it would be easy to spot the other suspect....He's gotta be the one in the speedo sportin wood all day on the beach....I would think this is an easy one....I hope there isnt a police line up...
of stealing anti-impotence drugs from dozens of pharmacies in the past year
and were seeking his accomplice in what they are calling the "Viagra
gang." One was arrested and we know the other one's identity and are looking
for him," a Rio de Janeiro police spokesman said on Wednesday.
The men are suspected of holding up more than 35 pharmacies in the same drugstore chain. Police said they stole anti-impotence drugs such as Viagra as well
as money from registers. The chain estimated its losses at some
$220,000. Police said the partners sold the drugs on the black market and
were so successful that they drew criticism from an unlikely source -- the
criminal underworld. Taped phone conversations show members of a powerful
drug gang from the same slum where the two lived complaining that their illicit
business was drawing too much police attention to the shantytown near Rio's
famed Copacabana Beach.
Policia: Sir, can you identify the man who sold you the Viagra
Witness: Yeah, he's the one there with the unit that you can go deep sea fishing with...
Or this tid bit of interest....
Two things I found hilarious about this article are 1. Corbin Bernsen still has a career and B. "Saskatchewan's biggest housewarming party ever!#$@?." which should consist of a twelve pack of Molsen Ice, 3 sheep, and a snowblower. What ever the combination of the three is produced we should trade for Paris Hilton. (See..right back to old Faithful)TORONTO (Reuters) - A Canadian man was handed the keys to a three-bedroom house Wednesday, exactly a year after he offered a red paper clip online, asking to
trade it for "bigger or better" things. In his latest trade, Kyle MacDonald,
26, swapped a bit role in a Hollywood movie for a house in the small Western
Canadian town of Kipling, Saskatchewan.When he started his quest with the paper clip, MacDonald said getting a house was his goal. He traded in the paper clip for a fish pen and eventually moved up to an afternoon with rocker Alice Cooper before snagging the Hollywood movie role in his 14th trade. Wednesday, the mayor of Kipling presented MacDonald with the house in return for a role in the movie "Donna on Demand," starring Corbin Bernsen. Kipling, population 1,140, will give the role to the winner of a contest it plans to hold in September. "We're getting some very positive attention, and that never hurts any community," Mayor Pat Jackson said in a telephone interview. Local businesses have donated housewarming gifts such as flowers and wine, and a 12-foot red paper clip has been erected in the front yard. The town plans to build "the world's largest red paper clip" at a yet-to-be-determined location. MacDonald, who lives in Montreal, has become an Internet and media sensation during his series of swaps, garnering interviews and attention from as far away as Japan.
He said on his Web site that he and his girlfriend will move into his new house before September and plan to throw "Saskatchewan's biggest housewarming party ever."
So I attempted to do this experiment myself on Craig's list...I started with one of those office staple pullers (you know..the ones that you play with at work like its Pac - Man) and I somehow got sidetracked in my trades into being a sperm donor for KD Lang and her partner....or maybe it was Clay Aiken...I always get those two confused.

See you soon boys.....see you soon.