Friday, July 07, 2006
You know your getting older when..... get sick as hell at hearing the previous statement. Yes...getting older is enivitable. And crestfallen before me is my Birthday. And Yes, I am 29!! Age is irrelivant. Its how old you feel and act. The only thing that is better about getting older is that your job thinks you deserve more money, which is nice since that is proportionally opposite to the age of your girlfriend who spends it all on yet another set of heels and says...."Don't you want me to look good for you". HEZUES CHRIST! Sneaky Bitches. And Dateline NBC is no friggin help...they got me so freaked out that I ask women now for two forms of ID and their High School diploma before I ask them out.
Regardless of that fact, the blog must go on. I'm not stuck in a wheelchair, and Cirrhosis from the Goldschlager hasn't set in yet, so I'm counting myself as lucky. Unlike my hero below.....
Oh I can't wait for Dementia....what a treat.
And speaking of Dementia... It just happens my future ex-wife Jessie Simpson turns 25 on the same day as me, July 10th. According to her agent/business office (who coincidentialy told me to take them off my speed dial) "Ms. Simpson will not be attending the B-day festivities on Saturday". Unless she is planning on suprising me.....teeee can only hope.
Birthdays always make you nostalgic for the old this gem of a video from 1989....enjoy....
I'm not ratting you out when you do those shots in the breakroom...or that little summthin summthin you and the Fed Ex driver do on the boxes of Xerox paper in the supply've said to much....I should go.
I want to thank all of you who are coming out Saturday to Emerald Downs...without you my friends, I wouldn't have all this great material. So keep up the good work!
For those who want to "suprise" me (wink), we'll be at the track around 1:30pm. Hope to see you all there!

Regardless of that fact, the blog must go on. I'm not stuck in a wheelchair, and Cirrhosis from the Goldschlager hasn't set in yet, so I'm counting myself as lucky. Unlike my hero below.....
Oh I can't wait for Dementia....what a treat.
And speaking of Dementia... It just happens my future ex-wife Jessie Simpson turns 25 on the same day as me, July 10th. According to her agent/business office (who coincidentialy told me to take them off my speed dial) "Ms. Simpson will not be attending the B-day festivities on Saturday". Unless she is planning on suprising me.....teeee can only hope.
Birthdays always make you nostalgic for the old this gem of a video from 1989....enjoy....
I was just informed that it is not cool to dance like this anymore. Thats fine, but I'm keeping my zebra striped suit.
If you havent noticed, is my new least until the job catches up on all the time were avoiding work by watching this stuff online. Shhhhh...don't narc us out bitches.I'm not ratting you out when you do those shots in the breakroom...or that little summthin summthin you and the Fed Ex driver do on the boxes of Xerox paper in the supply've said to much....I should go.
I want to thank all of you who are coming out Saturday to Emerald Downs...without you my friends, I wouldn't have all this great material. So keep up the good work!
For those who want to "suprise" me (wink), we'll be at the track around 1:30pm. Hope to see you all there!